So, the top image is a picture of friends of mine, Brent and Rosa. Brent owns the Hallway Gallery in JP. They're getting married and they approached me about making an image of them sitting under a tree for their wedding invites. The image directly below is what I came up with. The likenesses aren't all the way there but they said that they preferred if it was a bit stylized so that's that. The paintings below I started yesterday and finished today. I decided to make them both gifts for the holidays.... The one of the tree is from life. I think both of them could be stronger, but I'm still glad I did them. I need to paint more and plan on doing so.....
It's been a while since I've posted, but this is what I've been working on. The top two images are something I did tonight. The chef that I work with at The Butcher Shop asked me a long time to design a beer label for him. He names his beer De Glenueses, which is a famous classical painting of women harvesting barley. I slacked for a long time on this, but luckily for him I picked him for secret santa (which is sadly maditory at my job). So my gift to him will be a T shirt with that on it. Below is an image I've been working on for a friend of mine who asked for a drawing of Cap. America punching Hitler. I want to make this one really good. I'm going really slow and making it as good as I possibly can..... I apologize for the shitty scan, the piece is larger than my scanner
So, this year after I finished school I managed to somehow lose all of my painting supplies, some of them weren't even mine. Definitely a couple hundred dollars worth of stuff. It's been way too long since I painted. Today I decided to just go out and get a starter kit of oil paints and some cheap ass brushes and get back to the canvases. I am so glad I did, I really missed painting, even if all I can really paint is myself. This was a bit of a struggle but I pushed through. I started it over twice.
I did this over the passed couple days. I didn't sketch or anything before hand, I just went at it randomly. Some parts work and others don't, I did a lot of improvising to try and fix mistakes but it didn't always work out. I think I'm definitely gonna make more things like this for practice. Lemme know what ya think............ I just realized there are weird "$" water marks all over it. Ignore those, its because I'm using a trial version of my scanner software and it ran out.
wire frame mannequin outside the hallway fung-wah drawing of a painter and newbury st i dont even know, girl's back homie waitin for the t at central sq Bunch of recent stuff. My style is all over the place. I donno what to do with myself
So I drew this on a bus from Boston to the Berkshires. Took the majority of the ride. By time I got to the seat in front of me I had to transfer buses so I had to improvise a little bit.
Hey Sara, here is the final imagery. Let me know which colors you like better. I was experimenting with the gradient effect in photoshop. I think the top one is a bit easier to read but I thought I might as well show you the other. As soon as you give me everything you want it to say on the front of the card I'll scale it and send the full file over to you. Hope you like it! -Massi
Hi guys, so basically these two comps are similar imagery but differ in composition dramatically. If these are a little too elaborate or busy let me know. Personally I think the top image is a stronger comp overall. Once again, these are just sketches, the final will show much more polish. Also this font I'm using is called "market deco". Let me know if you have any other fonts we could give to me to use. In the top image I used a small iconic image of some petanque balls to both break the border a bit and free up the comp overall and to hint at the tournament that will be held that day. I think this one speaks a lot of what a lot of what will be going on with out showing too much. The bottom one is a bit more straight forward but basically the same idea. Anyway I want to get the final to you before Friday so let me know what I can do for you and I will jump to the final ASAP! thanks again -Massi
Ok, so here are the 3 sketches for the invite card. The top one was the last concept I came up with. Kind of a more in your face literal concept. The middle one is more suggestive, if you look closer there is a visible figure in the reflection of the petanque balls. The last one is sort of somewhere in between. I was thinking that I would use my own hand for the cursive, and then some art deco fonts for the FORT POINT, TOURNAMENT, and BLOCK PARTY. Keep in mind that these are just sketches and I will fill them out so there in no empty feeling space AND will make them to fit the dimensions of the cards that you would want to be printed. Any suggestions you have please send me back by email and anything you want to change I am totally willing to work with you. Thanks again for commissioning me for my first job post school! -Massi
These are both for practice and possible portfolio pieces. I attempted the one with the bird in illustrator and completely failed. I'm trying to get better with this digital media stuff. The top is a concept for a race car driver? or something?
Recently the restaurant I work for has asked for me to do work based on a story that a wine maker had told to them during a wine class. Basically he told a fantasy tale about how crows were told by mother earth to introduce grapes to humans to rid them of their sinful behavior. These are some sketches and just some other drawings I've been doing with ballpoint. The one of the priest is from a statue at the Trinity Church in Copley Square
Still drawing even though schools over! Juuust kidding.....guy passed out on a train, ducati motorcycle, the ballpoint one is from life then the lower one is just a copy I did later on. Bottom is a guy i managed to catch at a cafe not too long ago..........
So last week I made a couple of posters for an Oyster Invitational at this restaurant I used to work for. I didn't get paid with money but was rewarded with a couple bottles of wine for free. The same night of the invitational I got an email from someone who wanted to buy 2 of the posters. Anyway the guy came to my place to pick up the posters today and I asked him how he got my email address. Apparently he googled me and found my blog with the posters on it at then I decided to google my self and see what comes up THANKS GOOGLE!
So I've been painting a lot lately and I decided to do my last couple pieces for degree project in PAINT....still using the line overlay technique i have been but my teacher is worried these pieces won't fit with the rest....I think they will and are an overall improvement.........Works in progress......