Monday, November 14, 2011

Rolling, Rolling, Rolling

Recently I was commissioned to illustrate called Rolling, Rolling, Rolling by Mary L. Pulcher. It's about cantaloupes, watermelons, and cucumbers that all decide to leave their garden for the day.  I had to do the entire book in 3 weeks (12 spreads total). I decided to make the book revolve more around the environment over anything else... I'll post pics of the actual book tomorrow!


Tuesday Morning said...

3 weeks!? insanity! congratulations on actually making the deadline! you are a true illustrator.
i like the line work for curves especially for the tree, and even for the waterfall. looking at it almost convinces me it's not insane to draw copious amounts of hair--just to accomplish a portion of how cool it could look. had i the patience you do.

Massi said...

ha! im glad you like it.... i basically copied a bunch of other peoples ideas, read the story, and didnt do any sketches.... it was a really fun project, no real guidlines, just black and white line drawings........