Monday, December 21, 2009

Paintings gifts invites

So, the top image is a picture of friends of mine, Brent and Rosa. Brent owns the Hallway Gallery in JP. They're getting married and they approached me about making an image of them sitting under a tree for their wedding invites. The image directly below is what I came up with. The likenesses aren't all the way there but they said that they preferred if it was a bit stylized so that's that. The paintings below I started yesterday and finished today. I decided to make them both gifts for the holidays.... The one of the tree is from life. I think both of them could be stronger, but I'm still glad I did them. I need to paint more and plan on doing so.....

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Working on stuff.

It's been a while since I've posted, but this is what I've been working on. The top two images are something I did tonight. The chef that I work with at The Butcher Shop asked me a long time to design a beer label for him. He names his beer De Glenueses, which is a famous classical painting of women harvesting barley. I slacked for a long time on this, but luckily for him I picked him for secret santa (which is sadly maditory at my job). So my gift to him will be a T shirt with that on it. Below is an image I've been working on for a friend of mine who asked for a drawing of Cap. America punching Hitler. I want to make this one really good. I'm going really slow and making it as good as I possibly can..... I apologize for the shitty scan, the piece is larger than my scanner